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Summary and Statements

  1. The Meeting was opened by Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch of Austria, President-Designate of the First Review Conference. In opening the meeting, the President Designate informed the States Parties that he had asked Canada, Germany, Malaysia, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Norway to serve as "Friends of the President", and to assist him with the preparations of the substantive documents for the First Review Conference. In addition, the President-designate also stressed his conviction for an transparent and inclusive preparatory process and invited all interested parties to contribute to the substantive preparations for the Review Conference.

  2. The Meeting recommended for adoption at the First Review Conference the provisional agenda and provisional programme. In addition, the Meeting took note of the President-designate's commitment to present to the Second Preparatory Meeting ideas on how to best operationalize the agenda and programme.

  1. The Meeting recommended for adoption at the First Review Conference the cost estimates for convening the First Review Conference with the exception of Section B in these estimates. The Meeting took note of the President-designate's commitment to consult with States Parties with respect to Section B of the cost estimates with a view to ensuring that the Second Preparatory Meeting would be provided with further clarity and / or revisions.

    • Cost estimates

  2. The Meeting took note of the President-designate's commitment to consult with States Parties with a view to presenting to the Second Preparatory Meeting revised draft rules of procedure. In addition, the Meeting took note of the President-designate's commitment to consult with States Parties with respect to seeking a recommendation at the Second Preparatory Meeting regarding vice-presidents for the Review Conference.

  3. The President-designate took note of the States Parties' desire that the Secretary General of the United Nations be requested to appoint an Executive Secretary for the First Review Conference. In addition, the President-designate informed the Meeting that he had been notified that the Secretary General intends to appoint as Executive Secretary Mr. Enrique Roman Morey, Director of the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs, Geneva Branch. The President-designate also informed the Meeting that he had asked Mr. Kerry Brinkert, Manager of the Implementation Support Unit, to serve as the President's Executive Coordinator in support of the President-designate.

  4. The Meeting took note of the designation of Mr. Peter O. Ole Nkuraiyia, Permanent Secretary of Kenya's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as Secretary General of the First Review Conference.

  5. The Meeting considered two discussion papers prepared Friends of the President and one prepared by the President Designate.

  1. The following States Parties, States not Parties and organizations shared their views on these discussion papers:

    • Ireland, on behalf of the European Union
    • Switzerland
    • Algeria
    • Bangladesh
    • New Zealand (pdf - 11KB)
    • Turkey
    • Peru
    • Lebanon
    • ICRC
    • Croatia
    • ICBL
    • South Africa
    • UNMAS
    • Mexico
    • Australia (pdf - 10KB)
    • Egypt
    • Thailand
    • Libya

  2. The Meeting took note of the discussion papers and expressed general satisfaction that the contents of them would provide useful direction to the President Designate in his ongoing efforts to develop with the States Parties a draft review of the general status and operation of the Convention, a draft post-Review Conference action plan, a draft document on the nature, timing and sequencing of post-Review Conference Meetings of the States Parties and related matters, and a draft high level declaration, and, if necessary, draft conclusions related to the implementation of the Convention.

  3. The meeting took note of the President-designate's desire that after the Second Preparatory Meeting the States Parties would have given him a clear sense of what should be contained in the draft documentation to be prepared for the Review Conference in order that he could provide at the earliest possible date drafts for review by the States Parties. In this context, the meeting took note of the President-designate's desire to convene a one-day informal meeting during the last week of September to discuss draft documentation.

  4. The Meeting also received updates from the host country Kenya on logistical and administrative matters and from the Secretariat on organizational matters in relationship to the First Review Conference. The Meeting expressed its satisfaction with the state of preparations.